Work in Progress : D&D Miniature Steampunk beholder sculpture #2

I made a few different eyes and one more arm . Just to give a better idea , the central eye can be replaced by the smaller beholder . I'm currently developing the back story being these 2 beholder and how they came to be one insane machination .

Large central eye

Smaller beholder in control of the larger one

Original Post : 17 June
Right after i finished the first beholder i made , i knew i wanted to make a bigger one .
I started with the body and now I'm making the arms . So far i made only 2 arms .
The body has magnetic disc where the arm can be attached and switched . The tip of each arm also have magnetic disc in order to change to different of eyes / tools or weapon .
On the back i also included a few gears .

I will work a little on it everyday , it has 10 spot for the detachable arms . Making different weapons for all of them will be a lot of fun .


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